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Nearly hair dyes contain harsh chemicals that can crusade minor irritation and scalp itchiness, also as allergic reactions. If your scalp gets a bit itchy and crimson later using pilus dye, you can probable relieve your symptoms at home by washing your scalp thoroughly or using a moisturizing shrink or foam. If you also develop a rash or have any soreness or pain, your scalp itchiness may be caused by an allergic reaction to one or more of the hair dye ingredients. In virtually cases, you lot can alleviate your reaction symptoms with a steroid or antihistamine, although you may need to contact your doc if your symptoms persist.

  1. 1

    Wash your pilus with a gentle shampoo to remove any excess dye. Pour a quarter-sized amount of a gentle shampoo, such equally a baby shampoo, into your hands and rub it into your scalp and hair until information technology covers your whole caput and gets very sudsy. So, rinse the shampoo and excess hair dye out with absurd to warm water.[1]

    • Leaving excess hair dye on your scalp and hair is ane of the most common causes of itchy scalp afterward using hair dye. You lot may be able to stop the itchiness simply past washing your pilus thoroughly.[2]
    • Look for shampoos that are labeled "gentle," "all-natural," or "costless of harsh chemicals." Harsh chemicals may react with the hair dye and brand your scalp itchiness worse.
  2. two

    Rub a quarter-sized amount of ii% hydrogen peroxide into your scalp. Rinse the hydrogen peroxide out apace so that it won't bear upon your hair colour. The hydrogen peroxide will oxidize the dye chemicals, which should stop the adverse reaction on your scalp.[3]

    • Fifty-fifty if you aren't allergic to any ingredients in your hair dye, the harsh chemicals can still make your scalp crawling. Using 2% hydrogen peroxide will help counteract the chemical reaction.
    • Hydrogen peroxide may start to lighten your hair colour if you leave it on too long. Therefore, information technology's important that yous rinse information technology out as soon every bit yous've rubbed it into your scalp.


  3. 3

    Hold a moisture compress of olive oil and lime on your scalp. Saturate a disposable, damp towel or clean, old rag with olive oil. And so, squeeze the juice from a lime over the cloth and twist it to combine the juice and oil. Place the shrink on your scalp until the itchiness starts to subside.

    • While an olive oil and lime shrink doesn't e'er aid, it may help soothe your itchy skin and convalesce whatsoever skin tightness acquired past the hair dye.[four]
    • If you take any inflammation or redness forth with the itchiness, you can place the compress in the fridge for a few minutes to absurd it and assistance at-home your skin.
  4. iv

    Apply an emollient moisturizing handling to calm an itchy scalp. In many cases, the harsh chemicals in hair dye will dry out your scalp. Instructions will vary depending on the emollient blazon and brand you choose, but typically yous'll rub a generous layer of the cream over your scalp and exit information technology for several minutes before rinsing information technology with h2o.[five]

    • Emollient moisturizes are mostly made to aid soothe common inflammatory skin conditions, such equally eczema. Because the symptoms of an itchy scalp after using pilus dye can exist like, these treatments tend to work well.
    • Wait for soothing ingredients similar Argan oil, olive oil, Shea butter, and jojoba oil.


  1. ane

    Utilise an over-the-counter steroid cream if your scalp is inflamed. Follow the instructions on the bottle and just use information technology equally oftentimes every bit instructed. In nearly cases, allergic reactions to hair dye are small, so you'll probable be able to treat it at habitation with an over-the-counter steroid cream.[half-dozen]

    • If your symptoms are severe or persistent, you may need to get a prescription-strength steroid cream from your doctor.
    • If you take any pain or tenderness, a rash, or sores on your scalp later using hair dye, information technology's likely that you lot've had an allergic reaction to an ingredient in the dye.
  2. 2

    Take an over-the-counter oral antihistamine to aid terminate the itchiness. If your itchy scalp is caused by an allergic reaction to an ingredient in the hair dye, over-the-counter oral antihistamines like Benadryl tin provide relief. Oral antihistamines generally starting time working within ane hour.[vii]

    • Many oral antihistamines cause drowsiness, so brand certain y'all use them as directed.
    • Depending on the severity of your reaction to the pilus dye, your scalp may stop itching after 1 dose, or you may need to have several doses until the itching subsides.
  3. 3

    Come across your doctor if the itchiness continues for more than than 2 days. If your symptoms, including itchiness, persists for over two days, make an engagement to encounter your medico or become a referral to encounter an allergy specialist. Either your medico or an allergy specialist can perform tests to assess what ingredient caused the reaction and make up one's mind how to treat it so your itchiness will subside.[8]

    • In addition, make an appointment to see your medico or an allergy specialist if your itchy scalp becomes inflamed or if yous develop a rash.


  1. ane

    Avoid using products with the same ingredients after a reaction. If you get an itchy scalp later using a particular type or make of hair dye, take annotation of the ingredients then you tin can avoid using hair dyes with the same agile chemicals in the future. Virtually hair dye reactions are acquired past a chemical chosen paraphenylenediamine (PPD). Therefore, if your scalp gets itchy later on using a hair dye containing PPD, avert using these in the futurity.[ix]

    • PPD is primarily found in dark colored hair dyes.[10]
  2. 2

    Dab hair dye behind your ear to spot test for an allergy. Earlier using a new hair dye or any hair dye that contains PPD, dab a small-scale amount of the dye on your scalp just backside your ear. If your skin starts to itch or get swollen and red, it'southward probable that you're allergic to PPD or some other ingredient in the dye and will become an itchy scalp if yous utilise it.[xi]

    • If you're getting your hair dyed at a salon, you can enquire your stylist to perform this test as well.
  3. three

    Leave dye on your hair for the time recommended in the instructions. If y'all're trying to cover stubborn greys or dye your pilus a drastically dissimilar color, it can be tempting to leave the hair dye on for longer than instructed on the box or bottle.[12] Even if y'all aren't allergic to the hair dye, this tin can crusade your scalp to itch! Never exit dye on longer than instructed.[13]

    • Most at-domicile hair dyes should be left on for 10 to 45 minutes. Always check the instructions, though, to make sure you don't go out the dye on for too long.


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  • Question

    Which essential oil is best for itchy scalp?

    Michelle Bebbington

    ​​Michelle Bebbington is a Professional Hair Stylist and the Owner of The Living Room Pilus and Pare based in Great Falls, Montana. With over xx years of feel, she specializes in hair education, coloring, and styling.

    Michelle Bebbington

    Professional Hair Stylist

    Expert Answer

    Try using a petty bit of lavender essential oil on your scalp! Information technology should immediately soothe any irritation.

  • Question

    How should y'all wash your hair if your scalp is itchy?

    Michelle Bebbington

    ​​Michelle Bebbington is a Professional Hair Stylist and the Possessor of The Living Room Pilus and Skin based in Not bad Falls, Montana. With over 20 years of experience, she specializes in hair teaching, coloring, and styling.

    Michelle Bebbington

    Professional Hair Stylist

    Expert Answer

    Make sure that you're using a adept conditioner! A dry, itchy scalp goes hand-in-hand with dry out, breakage-prone hair.

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